Significant Reduction in Labor and Prompt After-Sales Support
Compost Center in Hoki Town, Tottori Prefecture
We are pleased to share the feedback from Compost Center in Hoki Town, Tottori Prefecture, which has achieved profitable operations since introducing C-Mode and EasyJet.
Consistent Profitable Operation Since Establishment—An Essential Asset for the Town
Despite many centers struggling to sell their compost, our center has managed to meet demand, although barely.

Industrial Department, Agriculture and Forestry Division in Hoki Town Mr. Matsumoto
The main factor, I believe, is the high quality of our compost.
We feel this from the word-of-mouth referrals of those who have used our compost, and we sometimes receive feedback from customers outside the prefecture saying, “I came back because it was good”.
Additionally, some people have purchased small trucks just to buy our compost, and others travel over two hours with a 4 ton truck to come and buy it.
Our center receives raw materials, including by-products, for free from local residents.
This allows us to sell at lower prices, which is one reason for our customers’ satisfaction.
Moreover, the efforts by the cooperative to reduce costs, promote sales, and improve cleanliness at the center are also significant.
We believe that the town’s role is to enhance efficiency and increase production capacity through facility improvements.
The History of the Compost Center and the Introduction of Machinery
Trigger for Establishing the Compost Center
Hoki Town has many dairy and livestock farmers.
The implementation of laws regarding livestock waste prompted the town to establish a joint processing system.
At that time, a horse training center was also established in the town, and there was a suggestion to use the low-moisture horse manure as a moisture adjuster for compost.
Since we were going to produce it anyway, we decided to sell it.
It feels like everything came together at just the right time.
History of Machinery Introduction
From the start, it was decided to operate the center with a small team, so the need for “mechanization and efficiency” became apparent quickly.
We heard that there was a good company in Shimane Prefecture that handles machinery related to composting, so we contacted MIRAIE.
The direct impetus came from our inspection visits.
We found that the operation conditions at the livestock farmers we visited were good and that the machines seemed to be in good working order.
In fiscal year 2004, we introduced the C-Mode, followed by the Easy Jet for fermentation equipment in fiscal year 2009, and an automatic compost bagging machine from MIRAIE in fiscal year 2015.
The bagging machine was introduced due to the need for mechanization, as the compost was stretching during bagging.
We believe that considering labor-saving and efficiency is also the role of the town.
Effect of Mechanization
Initially, the C-Mode was introduced.
Since cattle manure and horse manure are used as raw materials, we thought that thorough agitation was essential to accelerate fermentation, and after comparative study, we decided to introduce the C-Mode.
We appreciated the fact that composting can be done with as little labor as possible by reducing the labor-intensive turnover work.
We introduced the C-Mode based on actual operation results at other facilities and the agitation of raw materials, which allowed us to mix and ferment horse manure and cattle manure with different moisture contents evenly, without any bias.
Introducing Easy Jet for Mass Production
Given the operational results of C-Mode, the decision was made to introduce MIRAIE’s “Easy Jet” again when expanding the facility five years after its introduction.
Easy Jet is a fermentation acceleration system that reduces the number of turnovers.
As expected, the number of turnovers was reduced and the labor was saved after the introduction of the product.
It helped us to mass-produce compost. If we had not mechanized the system, it would have been difficult for one person to run the operation.
Moisture control is important in composting, but considering that loaders alone do not mix cleanly, we do not think they can produce a good quality product.
We feel that mechanization is effective in both saving labor and improving quality.
MIRAIE comes regularly for inspections, so we can use the equipment with peace of mind.
Evaluation After Installation
We are satisfied with the introduction of both equipment because they are performing as expected and we have received prompt response in case of breakdowns.
Thoughts on Compost Production and Future Plans
About Compost Making
Compost Center in Hoki Town Mr. Okuda
I am a farmer.
When I used our compost in my fields, the soil improved, and the amount of fertilizer needed decreased.
When I heard from someone who ate our rice that even people with rice allergies could eat it, I really felt the power of organic farming.
Also, I do not have expertise in compost production.
However, having seen farmers raising cows and using cow manure for compost up close since I was a child, it brings me great joy to hear from those who bought our compost that they were able to produce good vegetables.
Recently, we have received rice husks from a nearby country elevator as a by-product, which we use.
Rice husks are hard to decompose, but when mixed into the soil, they create air pockets, improving drainage.
Continuing to improve quality and produce high-quality compost is thanks to our client’ feedback and community connections.
Efforts to Foster Affection for the Center
Initiatives by the Town
The town made an effort to familiarize residents with the compost center.
The trucks were loaded with pictures drawn by children from the nursery school, and the product was named “Bagyun,” after the horse and cow manure used as raw materials.
I wanted people to refer to it with affection, like saying, “Bagyun is great” or “I came to buy Bagyun”.
Field Initiatives
At first, when I was assigned to the compost center, I had an image that it was smelly and dirty, so I decided to clean it up.
As much as possible, I manage the center with the thought that those who come to buy compost will want to come again and become repeat customers.
Regarding the Future of the Compost Business
The town has high expectations for our compost center.
Since this region is thriving in livestock farming, we want to increase production and expand our sales channels to include home centers in the future.
In fact, a few years ago, we faced a severe shortage of supplies, and we are taking care to ensure that this never happens again.
In the future, there are also voices suggesting that we add another Easy Jet fermentation building to meet the demand.
We would be happy if we could further develop our business in such a way that everyone is happy: farmers are happy to be able to dispose of livestock manure free of charge, towns are happy to make a profit, and users are happy to be able to buy good compost at a reasonable price.
About Customer
Compost Center in Hoki Town, Tottori Prefecture
The Compost Center in Hoki Town is located in Hoki Town, Nishihaku, Tottori Prefecture, at the foot of Daisen Mountain.
The town is in charge of the overall operation, while the compost production cooperative is in charge of manufacturing.
It is a rare compost center in Japan that produces high quality compost and has been profitable for many years.
Introduction of the Product

Automatic Mixing Equipment for Compost
Mixing Different Density Materials Quickly
Automating the mixing process, this equipment achieves cost and energy savings. It handles all types of organic materials, uniformly processing different density materials in a short time.

Composting Equipment
Easy Jet
Composting Equipment that requires no turning
A special nozzle supplies oxygen to the inside of the compost, eliminating the need for heavy machinery to turn the compost around. High-temperature fermentation in winter is realized, enabling production of high-quality compost.

Composting Support
Ancillary Facilities
Various Proposals According to Processing Volume and Cost
MIRAIE solves customers' "it would be nice to have" needs. We offer Auxiliary Equipment convenient for pre-treatment and post-treatment, and other proposals based on processing volume and cost.

Composting Complex Equipment
Composting Plant
Balancing Odor Control and Labor Reduction
Combining MIRAIE's technology and know-how, we propose the optimal Composting Plant tailored to your materials and challenges. It achieves stable production with reduced costs and labor.